Upcoming Events…

Welcome Back Sunday


Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 9:45AM in Fellowship Hall.

We look forward to the start of an exciting year!

Please register your children individually below.

For any questions, please reach out to MUMCSundaySchool@gmail.com

Student's First Name
Student's Last Name
Student's nickname: please enter the name your child prefers to be called
Student's Birthdate (dd/mm/yyyy)
Student's Grade (entering) Child must be at least 4 yrs. old.
Parent/ Guardian Name Filling Out this Form
Mother's Name: please enter full name
Father's Name: please enter full name
Emergency Contact Phone #
Home Phone #
E-mail address
Please indicate what to do in case of emergency.
Student Medical Information. Please include allergies and name of preferred Hospital if applicable.
Please explain anything else we should know. Information is kept confidential and will only be used to better serve your child.
Are you a member of MUMC?
Would you like information on becoming a member?
Please indicate your release for photos to be posted.
Please indicate if your child's name can be printed with photo.