Upcoming Events…





VBS 2024 – The Olympics!!

ON YOUR MARK, GET SET….GO!!!  It’s almost time for VBS!  This year we are GOING FOR GOLD WITH GOD as we learn what it means to be a CHAMPION for Christ. It will run from July 15-19  6-8PM so mark your calendars and utilize our online registration right here!.  We are busy planning a special week of lessons, games, crafts and treats.  The last day (July 19) we have a VERY SPECIAL event as our “Olympians” have the opportunity to run our inflatable obstacle course!  You DON’T WANT TO MISS OUT!  Also, we are kindly asking parents and the congregation to donate towards this event to help defray costs…nothing is too small or too large.  Thanks so much!!  (Envelopes should be marked “For VBS” and can be sent to the office or given to myself or Vanessa Estelow).

Sprint over to our VBS Program!   July 15-19   6-8PM

(Hebrews 12:1-3)

(Matthew 6:14)

(John 10:27-28)

(Mark 16:15-16)

For any questions, please reach out to MUMCSundaySchool@gmail.com

Child's First Name
Child's Last Name
Grade Entering
Please describe any allergies or special needs for your child. This information will help us serve your child the best we can.
Name of Parent or Guardian Responsible for this child.
Contact Number
E-mail address.
In case of emergency, can we bring child to nearest hospital?
Will your family attend the closing celebration on Friday?
How many people will be coming? Please indicate a number.
Please indicate a number.
T-Shirts MAY be provided to early registrants. Please indicate your child's size.
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